Thursday, September 15, 2011

A Day In The Life - Some Lighter Blog Fare For You

No book quote today. *Gasp*  I know.  So unlike OCD me. Haha.  I have read at least 5 chapters today and I just haven't had anything jump out at me.  The author is going through her time of enjoying Italy and it's a delight to read, but I wouldn't say there is anything that directly applies to MY life in these most recent pages.  Still, I did want to post here I am.

Despite a hint of sickness creeping up on me and a night of sleeping in a chair in the 3 year old's room for about 3 of my 5 hours of sleep, I feel pretty great today.  Part of the reason is because I realized that all of my work this afternoon was "virtual", which meant that I could pack up the laptop and head over to the coffee house to work for the afternoon.  It's amazing what a change of scenery can do for work ethic.  Instead of the stuffy, tiny little 50 year old hotel room turned office that I normally work from, I get to be plugged in to a bright, bustling, symphony of life at the coffee shop.  The irony is that I got more work done here than I usually do in my office.  I actually ended up completely tuning out all the life around me and focusing completely on my work.  Ha. Whatever works, I guess.

In a few moments, I will go pick up my 8 year old daughter, Anika.  She is just finishing up her second IU Children's Choir practice.  This is the first time she's ever been involved in anything remotely choir-like and, being a natural born star, she absolutely adores it.  We have said since she was two years old that this girl was born to be on a stage or a red carpet.  And, mark my words, she will be!  After I pick her up, we have an hour to wait until Scott is finished with his class, so we will seize this opportunity for a nice mother/daughter dinner - maybe pancakes bigger than our heads at Village Deli? We'll see.  Anika cherishes Mommy/Ani time and I am really looking forward to this little window of joy that we have been given tonight. I think I'll leave you with a picture of my absolutely beautiful, grown-up firstborn.  I know I posted this on Facebook already, but she just look so precious here and I love this photo.

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